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lose face例句
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They don't want a war, but they don't want to lose face.


There was constant social pressure not to lose face.

保持不丢面子的社会压力无时不在, 无处不在。

Jeff will lose face if his friend fails to work hard.


After making my way in the world all these years she's made me lose face completely.


The embarrassing situation caused me to lose face.


I want to keep it this way , if not I will lose face.

当初, 第一次提出离婚的人是我,那我现在也得保持这种现状.

Core philosophy: ' Never yield and never lose face '

核心哲学: “ 绝不屈服,绝不丢脸 ”

It is the worst thing for a Chinese to lose face.


If so everyone would lose face.


You'll lose face if you don't keep your promise.


I'm his daughter, after all, it doesn't mater if I lose face. '

反正就是他的女儿, 丢个脸也没什么的. ”

What Chinese cannot bear most is to be refused or to lose face.


He'll lose face if he does not keep his promise.


If Tom doesn't keep his promise, he'll lose face.

如果汤姆不信守诺言, 他就会丢面子.

His careless work made him lose face with his teacher.


He tried to conceal his mistake so as not to lose face.


' If Tom cannot keep his promise, he'll lose face. '

如果汤姆不能信守诺言, 他就会丢面子.

I feel very wronged, but also lose face.

我觉得很委屈, 也很没面子.

In order not to lose face , Mr. Xu would not fetch the gruel himself.

他为了维护当老师的体面, 是不肯自己去打粥的.

If they don't want to lose face, the gifts should not be too cheap.

假如自己不想丢脸, 那送出的礼物份量可不能太轻.

He was afraid of risking failure because he didn't want to lose face.


If a teacher can't answer this simple question, he'll lose face with his class.

如果老师连如此简单的问题都不能回答, 他会在学生面前丢脸的.

They were afraid of risking failure because they didn't want to lose face.


England doesn't want a war but it doesn't want to lose face.


"lose face"的基本信息





